August 16, 2021

Back to School: Getting them their first phone

Written by valeria

Saving Money

Like it or not, back to school season is here. And while you might be scrambling to figure out what in-person learning will look like this year (or perhaps sticking to online), and checking off shopping lists, another thought we're sure is bouncing around is whether they are ready for their first phone.

While a phone can be useful for many reasons: a constant connection, a source of entertainment and learning, we recognize it's also an added responsibility, not to mention an added expense. But ultimately, when running a poll on our Twitter page for fellow parents, "to stay connected" was their main reason for getting that first phone:

first phone

And if you're worried about the cost, there are affordable options available at every level, and for every need.

Of course, another big concern is screen time, and what happens during it. The online world can be liberating and educational as well as critical and unpleasant. But online safety doesn't have to be intimidating, and can easily be taught before handing over the password to the lock screen.

Lastly, there is the question of "do I get service on it?"

first phone

As you can see, it's not an easy choice to make. And I understand why---between the cost of a monthly service, and the concern for whether it's even necessary---it can become a tough call to make. And while they may spend most of their time around WiFi, whether at home or at school, having the peace of mind that they can be reached even when they're not, is incomparable. Which is why we offer it for $0, quite literally. For a one-time $4.99 purchase of a TextNow SIM card, you can activate their phone on our Free Nationwide Talk& Text service, so wherever they go, they will always be just a text or phone call away.

We hope this helps alleviate some of your worries, and make that decision easier to make this year! Got more questions, or your own thoughts? Let us know in the comments.