April 29, 2020

TikTok Challenges To Get You Through Quarantine

Written by madison

Tips & Tricks

In the last few months, we’ve all been looking for new ways to stay entertained while staying home. There’s been a lot of talk about TikTok. Like many others, I swore I would NEVER hop on that bandwagon... but after weeks of scrolling through Netflix, I caved. It is truly addicting; once you open the app you get sucked in watching videos and the next thing you know it’s 3am and you have a mere 4 hours before you have to get up for work.

TikTok is a breeding ground for the next viral hit, and is constantly giving us hilarious challenges to participate in. So instead of scrolling through endless content looking for your favorites (like me), I’ve put it all in one convenient list.

The #FlipTheSwitch Challenge

Two people stand in front of a mirror playing the Drake song “nonstop”. When he gets to the lyrics “I just flipped the switch”, the lights go off. When they turn back on the couple have swapped clothing. I think JLo and A-Rod is my fav.

The Plank Challenge

It’s not as easy as it looks. Trust me.

The #YouCanReallyDance Challenge

I wish I could dance, but if you ask anyone who knows me they will tell you I have two left feet and zero rhythm. You better believe any dance challenge holds a special place in my heart and instantly gets a like from me.

I might be late to the whole TikTok party, but better late than never! There are so many fun challenges and videos out there to keep us entertained daily. Let us know what you favourite is in the comments!